February 22nd, 2009 admin

Tippmann is running a promotion in March where they are giving away a free Tippmann X7 Flatline Barrel or Tippmann X7 Response Trigger Kit with the purchase of any X7 Marker. That’s about a $70 value, which is a fantastic way to save a little money if you were looking at an X7.
Word on the street is that they will honor the promotion immediately, so if you can’t wait until March 1, order now from your favorite paintball website, or your local paintball shop.
The free products are being provided directly by Tippmann, so once you have purchased your X7, be sure to fill out the rebate form and send it in.
Here’s the link to the Tippmann Promotion Page
Posted in X7 Upgrades | No Comments »
August 9th, 2008 admin

Tippmann has an online X7 configurator where you can see what your marker will look like with different accessories added. This is a great way to choose the look of your new Tippmann X7 with Egrip before you buy it. You can mix and match parts, and it will even tell you what the MSRP is. Keep in mind that most online retailers will charge less than MSRP so you should save some money.
You can use the online configurator to built an X7 parts list, and then vist your favorite online paintball store to order the parts. I like the eGrip with Folding X36 Stock, X7 Flatline Barrel for improved accuracy and distance, M-16 Style Carry Handle, M-16 Short Mag, and X7 Double Trigger Kit.
Give the configurator a try and let us know what your perfect marker looks like.
Posted in Customizing, X7 Mods, X7 Upgrades | 2 Comments »
July 24th, 2008 admin
Tippmann has begun shipping their new 16″ straighline barrels with rifled technology. In a partnership wtih Hammerhead, they have developed the four piece kits to work with the A5 and X7 markers, including the available Special Ops mods.
These new barrels include three sizers (.688, .686 and .683) to better match paint, and a removable military style muzzle break. It is expected to be priced around $149 and comes with a case. Buy the Straightline Barrel online here.
“This is a great product that offers loyal Tippmann players the very best accuracy technology in paintball,” said Paul Judson, vice president of HammerHead. “Others have attempted rifling using straight rifling or perpendicular spiral porting to create rotation, with questionable success. But, the HammerHead technology that has been integrated into the new StraightLine uses helix and spiral rifling, in combination with reverse porting, to control ball rotation and minimize the pressure wave and air turbulence at the muzzle – resulting in significantly straighter, more accurate shots.”
Here is a link to the Sales Flyer.

Posted in X7 Upgrades | No Comments »
July 11th, 2008 admin
Nothing sucks like having paint break in the cyclone feed system on your Tippman A5 or X7. Unfortunately, with the higher rate of fire found in the Response Trigger and eGrip versions, this can, and does happen.
While the paddles in the Cyclone Feed System for the X7 are softer than in the past, it still happens and unless you stop to clean your marker than, you will continue to experience breaks and a mess.
A few aftermarket manufacturers have developed softer paddles… often called squishy paddles. Retailing for around $20, it’s a worthwhile investment given the headache that it will save you later. Especially when you figure that you already have $300 – $500 or more already tied up in your marker.
Be sure when you buy them that you get the latest version of the paddles which interlock. Old versions of the squishy paddles would slip and become misaligned.
You can find the squishy paddles on most paintball sites such as rap4.com or wargearpaintball.com. You can also find them on eBay.
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