August 9th, 2008 admin

Tippmann has an online X7 configurator where you can see what your marker will look like with different accessories added. This is a great way to choose the look of your new Tippmann X7 with Egrip before you buy it. You can mix and match parts, and it will even tell you what the MSRP is. Keep in mind that most online retailers will charge less than MSRP so you should save some money.
You can use the online configurator to built an X7 parts list, and then vist your favorite online paintball store to order the parts. I like the eGrip with Folding X36 Stock, X7 Flatline Barrel for improved accuracy and distance, M-16 Style Carry Handle, M-16 Short Mag, and X7 Double Trigger Kit.
Give the configurator a try and let us know what your perfect marker looks like.
Posted in Customizing, X7 Mods, X7 Upgrades | 2 Comments »
July 28th, 2008 admin
While browing images of customized Tippmann X7′s, I came across an image of a very nicely painted camo marker. This lead me to the company, Custom Gun Camo. They provide custom gun painting for real firearms as well as paintball markers, and the pictures of their work is amazing. Don’t get me wrong, this is not a cheap option for customizing your marker. But for those of you who are dedicated to having the most realistic and unique X7, this is a great option. Here is an example of an X7 in MC Heavy Green:

Pricing for Camo patterns start at $225 and can include custom lettering or stenciling. All paints are true DuraCoat Firearm Finishes and include clearcoat finishes in matte, satin, or glossy.
If you have any experience with painting your marker, or know of other services like this to customize your marker, let us know and send us pictures. We’d love to showcase them in upcoming articles.
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